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Now, lets get the discussion going. What would fit the game best? To make it a Light Machinegun may not be the best of ideas, because honestly, it'd be nothing more than a faster ROF assault rifle. Sure, they would be some range and TU tweaks, to be sure to differentiate between an Assault Rifle and a LMG, but the game may be better served by having either a General Purpose Machine Gun or Heavy Machinegun. A heavy machinegun would be firing a round either on par with the sniper rifle, or better, depending on what theoretical caliber the sniper rifle uses. The last concept would be a general purpose machine gun, which would be firing a round comparable or less than the sniper rifle, again depending on the caliber. KingMob 23:55, 7 September 2006 (CEST)

Yes, I thing SAW (squad assault weapon) is needed. Burst accuracy is small, but have big impact if hit enemy (one MG bullet can have same effect as 2 or 3 bullets from AR and MG bullet have always higher penetration ratio than bullet from AG at the same caliber). And MG and round for SR are commongly same (e.q. M2-HB (12,7mm) and Barret sniper rifle (M-82?) using same round, same for Dragunov and RPK).

Actually, a SAW is almost always using an assault rifle round like the 5.56 Nato or 5.45 Warsaw round. Additionally, the Dragunov uses the 7.62x54mm (rimmed) round not the .50 BMG round. And the RKP uses the 7.62 x 39 mm Warsaw round. That's why I would suggest a General Purprose Machinegun, something firing an equivilency of the heavier 7.62x51mm Nato round. KingMob 06:30, 12 September 2006 (CEST)

--Sirg 17:05, 28 September 2006 (CEST): I understand that no real-world weapons are accepted. However, ... just this time I would mention the Browning M2 .50 cal machinegun, used from the first war until present day. It's very heavy to be used in a standing position, usually it's mounted on aircraft or vechicles, but it can be used like suggested, in a kneel down position. My opinion is that such a weapon - a SAW - is bulky and useless in close combat situation, like most of the UFO-AI missions, but it's cool to fire burst of .50 cal rounds! As a compromise I would suggest reviving the good ol` auto-cannon as a versatile chaingun.

OK, since there is a LMG already now, how about a HMG? A support weapon which has to be deployed first, as the OP said firing large-claibre SR ammunition but in bursts. --Takai 18:55, 23 December 2007 (CET)