
< Template:Mod
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Implements the mathematical modulo operator. The returned result is always of the same sign as the modulus or nul, and its absolute value is lower than the absolute value of the modulus. However, this template returns 0 if the modulus is nul (this template should never return a division by zero error). This template is not the same as the mod operator in the #expr.

This template can be substituted.


Computes the modulo dynamically.
Substitute the template invokation by its computed value when saving an article wiki source.

Examples with positive integer modulus

  • {{mod|12|10}} = 2.
  • {{mod|10.1|10}} = 0.1.
  • {{mod|10|10}} = 0.
  • {{mod|2|10}} = 2.
  • {{mod|0|10}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-2|10}} = 8.
  • {{mod|-10|10}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-10.1|10}} = 9.9.
  • {{mod|-12|10}} = 8.

Examples with negative integer modulus

  • {{mod|12|-10}} = -8.
  • {{mod|10.1|-10}} = -9.9.
  • {{mod|10|-10}} = 0.
  • {{mod|2|-10}} = -8.
  • {{mod|0|-10}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-2|-10}} = -2.
  • {{mod|-10|-10}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-10.1|-10}} = -0.1.
  • {{mod|-12|-10}} = -2.

Examples with positive non integer modulus

  • {{mod|21.5|10.5}} = 0.5.
  • {{mod|21.1|10.5}} = 0.1.
  • {{mod|21|10.5}} = 0.
  • {{mod|20.9|10.5}} = 10.4.
  • {{mod|11|10.5}} = 0.5.
  • {{mod|10.6|10.5}} = 0.1.
  • {{mod|10.5|10.5}} = 0.
  • {{mod|10.1|10.5}} = 10.1.
  • {{mod|10|10.5}} = 10.
  • {{mod|2|10.5}} = 2.
  • {{mod|0|10.5}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-2|10.5}} = 8.5.
  • {{mod|-10|10.5}} = 0.5.
  • {{mod|-10.1|10.5}} = 0.4.
  • {{mod|-10.5|10.5}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-10.6|10.5}} = 10.4.
  • {{mod|-11|10.5}} = 10.
  • {{mod|-20.9|10.5}} = 0.1.
  • {{mod|-21|10.5}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-21.1|10.5}} = 10.4.
  • {{mod|-21.5|10.5}} = 10.

Examples with nul modulus

  • {{mod|2|0}} = 0.
  • {{mod|0|0}} = 0.
  • {{mod|-2|0}} = 0.