Translation:Plasblaster txt/sv

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UFOpaedia Entry


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Proposal: Alien Artifact -- Plasma Blaster

Commander, we've recovered an alien plasma blaster from the field. This is an extremely powerful new plasma weapon that warrants immediate research. Preliminary testing confirms that blaster shots tear right through our Combat Armour and have a far longer range than the other plasma weapons we've recovered.

Please authorise this research program at your earliest convenience.

--Cdr. Navarre


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Re: Alien Artifact -- Plasma Blaster

Commander, here's my report on our alien plasma blaster research.

This is by far the heaviest member we've observed out of the plasma weapon family, and it seems unlikely that they will get any larger. The blaster requires at least two people and a heavy-duty cart to get it in and out of secure storage. It's barely man-portable, requiring a troop with great strength to carry it into battle. It is so large that, if it were a vehicle-mounted piece, it wouldn't even fit on most of our UGVs. The magazines weigh nearly a kilogramme apiece and the plasma generated is hot enough to melt through conventional armoured vehicles.

One of the notable improvements over the plasma rifle is the blaster's increased range, made possible by thicker containment plastic and higher bolt speeds. Ballistic testing has confirmed that blaster shots can reach distances of up to 400m before dispersing. The accuracy may be poor, but the blaster also has a far higher rate of fire. A heavy-duty plasma chamber and upgraded plastic spinnerets can produce up to 250 rounds per minute. Unfortunately for us, despite the containment plastic's increased thickness, the bolts will still burst and deploy their plasma properly even at extreme close range. This makes the blaster highly dangerous at all ranges at which PHALANX troops may encounter it. We recommend that any enemies found carrying one be neutralised ASAP, as they are an extreme threat to everyone and everything in the line of fire.

The aliens seem to use the blaster mostly in the role of heavy machine gun and anti-vehicle weapon. Another interesting fact is that their use is almost completely exclusive to the Ortnok species. Most Tamans -- like most humans -- would have extreme difficulty trying to lift and aim one and require mechanical assistance to do so. Cybernetic enhancements and/or the development of powered armour would certainly rectify many of the blaster's inherent weaknesses from a human point of view.

Lastly, we've mapped out the weapon's full control scheme for you, which is documented in the attached field manual. Our troops should now be able to train with and use the plasma blaster in combat as any other weapon, provided they're able to lift it.

--Cdr. Navarre

Damage Type



Stat Suggestions

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)


1) Extremely high damage.

2) Long range.

3) Large magazines.

4) Large bursts.


1) Long reload time.

2) Slow-firing.

3) Very high recoil.

4) Mediocre accuracy.

Research Tree Data

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)

 1 Plasma blaster
 Enables production -- Plasma Blaster
 Enables production -- Plasma Blaster Charger