Translation talk:Ortnok autopsy txt/en

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Remaining bit of the description, so that we can remove alien_types.txt:

[ortnok_notes_txt] Genetically the green skinned Ortnoks seem to be related very closely to the human race. About 80% of their DNA is identical compared to the human's. The parts that are different are most likely genetically engineered because they do not show any individual variability. The fact that they are genetically altered and that they do not seem to have any functional reproduction organs suggests that they are clones made by some as yet unknown alien species. Additionally the Ortnoks have several cybernetic implants which involve mainly the cardiovascular system, the muscles, the eyes and the brain. They enhance the physical strenght and stamnia as well as the senses to a level superior to any human. The purpose of the brain implants is mostly unclear but it is believed that they serve as receivers for commands. But currently this is only a assumption because there is no evidence proving the existence of such a master-species.

[ortnok_autopsy_txt] The green skin is scaly and tough, and cellular analysis reveals an abundance of chlorophyll, the molecule that makes plant leaves green. The digestive system does not appear to be undersized so we can only surmise that the Ortnok must have evolved in an environment where food could be scarce and falling back on solar energy was the only option in such situations. The reproductive organs of this species are very active, only ceasing to function 14 hours after death. Small wonder the Antareans use them as a limitless supply of cannon fodder in every terrain they choose to conquer.

[ortnok_xenobiology_txt] <TODO>

[ortnok_interrogation_txt] <TODO>

Just one little thing: in the paragraph starting with "the eyes are covered with" there's this sentence: "The ears consist of a series of small cavities, three on either side of the head, which are surprisingly large". I think you should fix it (small/large).