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Client side game types

Since version 2.4 it is possible to extend the game with so called cgame implementations. These are client side mods for custom game types. Such a cgame implementation has to implement the cgame_export_t interface (see cgame.h). It may only use the functions that are available in the interface cgame_import_t and those that are explicitly linked to the shared object.

If you add a new cgame mode, you have to copy the shared object into the base folder and create an entry in script file gamemodes.ufo. The id of a cgame entry in the script file is the name that is used to resolve the shared object file. The referenced window in the body of the gamemode definition must exists of course and must contain your custom cgame ui entry window definition.

Starting with a new cgame mode

A good starting point is for sure the skirmish game mode, as it's very small from the c-code side and only contains one window definition. You always have to support hard linked cgame stuff and cgame via shared object/dll. Use the macro HARD_LINKED_CGAME for this. There is a list of the cgame GetCGameAPI function pointers in cl_game.c for the hard linked cgames.

Example C-Code

static const cgame_import_t *cgi;

/* this is only here so the functions in the shared code can link */
void Sys_Error (const char *error, ...)
	va_list argptr;
	char text[1024];

	va_start(argptr, error);
	Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), error, argptr);

	cgi->Sys_Error("%s", text);

void Com_Printf (const char *msg, ...)
	va_list argptr;
	char text[1024];

	va_start(argptr, msg);
	Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), msg, argptr);

	cgi->Com_Printf("%s", text);

void Com_DPrintf (int level, const char *msg, ...)
	va_list argptr;
	char text[1024];

	va_start(argptr, msg);
	Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), msg, argptr);

	cgi->Com_DPrintf(level, "%s", text);

static void GAME_EX_InitStartup (void)

static void GAME_EX_Shutdown (void)

static const mapDef_t* GAME_EX_MapInfo (int step)

static void GAME_EX_Results (struct dbuffer *msg, int winner, int *numSpawned, int *numAlive, int numKilled[][MAX_TEAMS], int numStunned[][MAX_TEAMS])

const cgame_export_t *GetCGameAPI (const cgame_import_t *import)
const cgame_export_t *GetCGameExampleAPI (const cgame_import_t *import)
	static cgame_export_t e;

	OBJZERO(e); ="Example mode"; ="exampleWindow"; // this is only for hard linked cgames - and will be removed later
	e.Init = GAME_EX_InitStartup;
	e.Shutdown = GAME_EX_Shutdown;
	e.MapInfo = GAME_EX_MapInfo;
	e.Results = GAME_EX_Results;

	cgi = import;

	return &e;

Example Script

cgame example {
	window	"exampleWindow"
	name "_ExampleText"
window exampleWindow