Talk:Proposals/Map Definitions Options

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Revision as of 10:06, 1 October 2011 by H-hour (talk | contribs)
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There are some "problems" in this proposal.

the mapdef should not contain any information about skirmish (the sk_*) - only about singleplayer and multiplayer. there maybe will be more cgame mods that are not only campaign, skirmish and multiplayer. and these cgame dlls can be added and removed dynamically. that's why the information should be in a mod directory in extra script files.

i like the prefix idea - and maybe we should already do this for 2.4 - as currently some static maps and rma share the same loading shots - which is just wrong.

--Mattn 18:39, 8 September 2011 (CEST)

I've made some changes to address the possibility of other cgame types. Now game types are specified in a comma-separated list and the game could search for (gametype)_modes for a list of modes supported for each cgame type so that custom game types could also have different modes. Does that look more feasible? --H-hour 19:42, 8 September 2011 (CEST)
Ok, now I understand a bit better what you want to do with cgame types (I think). Perhaps the mapdef should not include any information about specific cgame types (mp/skirmish/campaign) or game types (1on1, etc). Perhaps we should just say what the map technically supports:
* This only indicates what alien and civilian spawn points
* are available on the map.
maxaliens		25
maxcivilians		10

 * This indicates which multiplayer teams have spawn points
 * available on the map. Multiplayer would automatically be
 * true/false if this is 1/0.
teams			4

 * Other parameters could indicate the presence of requirements
 * for future gametypes, like domination.
domination		3 // 3 Domination zones supported
kingofthehill	true
demolition		2 // 2 Demolition zones supported

Then we could place the conditions necessary for a gametype in that gametype's definition:

 * Skirmish game type would require at least one human spawn
 * point and one alien spawn point
minhumans		1
minaliens		1

 * Multiplayer game type (1on1) would require at least two
 * teams supported
minteams		2

 * Domination game type would check for at least two domination
 * zones.
mindomination		2

And finally, the cgame definition would include a list of gametypes it supports.

cgame multiplayer {
	window	"multiplayer"
	name "_Multiplayer"
	gametypes {

With this setup, the maps list would automatically get sorted according to what is available for a cgame type. We could then implement something in the UI that would allow the player to select a gametype and it would display only supported maps. Users could easily modify the maps list by creating their own mapdefs. And future cgames/gametypes would be able to build on existing mapdefs easily. --H-hour 11:06, 1 October 2011 (CEST)