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  • Morale damage is damage dependant (the greater injure is the graither morale change will be).
  • Death hurts morale even more than just damage.
  • Seeing how someone (from the same team) gets shot, increases the morale change (morale change is increased for each visible actor being shot).
    • For friendly fire morale change is bigger than one for enemy fire.
  • Seeing a civil die demages morale.
  • If an ally (or in singleplayer mode, as human, a civilian) got shot, the morale os lowered.
  • If and actor stands near to the attacker or the victim, the morale change is higher.
  • Morale damage is dependant on the number of living allies (the more aliens are alive the higher demage is).

Maximum value for morale depends on value of characters mind skill.

When morale decrease to specific value (in current version - 30) character starts to panic.