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Map testing

Map testing is a very important part in getting the maps usable. UFORadiant is not rendering every detail - and there's always human error factor. This article will try to help with in-game testing of maps and reporting the problems. Of course, you should have latest development version running - see compilation details. You can check the pathfinding data in UFORadiant now - to make this work you first have to compile your map and then use the button in the toolbar to show the pathfinding overlay.

You can either test and report new bugs found, or help with triage of already reported bugs. See tracker - select "Status" to be "open" and "Category" - "Maps", then take some reported bug and test it. Report your findings by commenting on the original bug.

Of course, map bugs can be found during normal gameplay - but dedicated testing usually will cover larger areas of the map and more maps, So there must be a way to load any arbitrary map. To load a map, open the game console with the `/~ key above your tabulator-key (or Shift ESC to get the console and ESC to return to the normal GUI). You may do it in game or from the main menu.

Type maplist to get a list of valid maps. Start the map by typing

map <day|night> [mapname]

for a static map or

map <day|night> +[mapname] [theme]

for assembled maps.

Sometimes you will want to start a random map using specific tiles in specific locations, so that you can test the exact same layout. This will require specifying individual tiles and their positions (the following example is broken in two lines, use single line when entering a command).

map <day|night> "-map/prefix +tile1 ... +tile n"
 "tile1_xpos tile1_ypos tile1_zpos ... tilen_xpos tilen_ypos tilen_zpos"

Given that there currently is no way to paste commands in game console, typing such string can be very tedious. Fortunately, there's a solution - you can create aliases, which later can be executed ingame with a single command. To do this, you have at least 3 options:

  1. add it directly to base/autoexec.cfg file in yor game installation directory;
  2. edit base/autoexec.cfg to contain something like exec my.cfg, then add base/my.cfg in your UFO:AI profile directory (on Linux, something similar to ~/.ufoai/2.3-dev, which contains the alies;
  3. add base/autoexec.cfg to your UFO:AI profile directory.

The alias itself would look like:

alias testmap1 "map day \"-farm/f_ +drop_firebird\" \"16 0 0 -24 -32 0\""

Note that you must start a new single player game, build a base, hire and assign to the dropship a team of soldiers, otherwise the map will be loaded without actors and you will not be able to test it properly. You can also load a single player game.

The map will be loaded with the soldiers from your current game (those selected on the first dropship in the first base) with their current equipment. Aliens and civilians will be chosen from [?].

Some examples:

map night tower
map day +oriental small
map day +oriental medium
map day "-b/ +aliencont +quarters" "0 0 0 8 8 0"

Hints and best practices

So, what and how should be tested? Before you start, it is desired to have a debug build and run the game in a debugger - that way you will be able to report crashes as well.

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with a map. After loading the map, look around it - check for incorrectly looking objects and shadows, check for incorrect textures. Switch levels, check that objects appear and disappear as expected. Walk around with soldiers, check that both pathline and actual walking are as expected. Ideally one would try to step on most tiles in a map, but remember that some problems show up only when longer pathline is displayed. Hover the mouse cursor over the tiles, select them as targets for walking - this also can expose different problems. Try to step into various objects, try to walk in unintended directions. In general, just try to break things :).

General hints

  • Test using latest trunk checkout of both code and maps.
  • Enable confirmation in options - this way you will be able to see exactly where soldier intends to walk and we will see that in screenshots.
  • Compile without lightmap if you only want to check the brushwork or the pathfinding, see the map compiling article for more information.
  • If the map is random assembly (map name starts with a +), game prints map definition to console - for example,
"-village/vil_ +s02 +s03" "0 0 0 8 8 0"

(this is not a valid definition). When reporting problems in such maps, copy and paste this string to your report.


  • You can create in-game screenshots using F12 key. Screenshots are created in ~/.ufoai directory.
  • When creating screenshots, consider hiding HUD with F11 key. You can get the HUD back by pressing Esc.
  • When creating screenshots, consider that somebody has to both understand what the problem is and where is it located on the map. Do not zoom in too much and do not zoom out too much.
  • You can set screenshot format to PNG by executing set r_screenshot_format png. Remember that even though screenshots will have better quality, they will also be much bigger. Cut out the relevant parts and resave as JPG in Gimp for uploading to the tracker or sharing otherwise. This variable also supports TGA as a parameter.
  • For one-time screenshot format change you can use syntax r_screenshot <format>, where format is one of jpg, png or tga.
  • You can also change JPG quality with the variable r_screenshot_jpeg_quality.
  • You can set in-game variable cl_campitchmin to 0 - this way you will be able to take screenshots from more angles if required.

Routing debug dumps

If the problem is related to pathfinding, it can help to have routing information dumped to a file.
To obtain this information, load a map and execute debug_croute and debug_sroute.
This will create csv files in the current directory. Note that these files are fairly large, so you will want to compress them for adding to bugreports.

Testing helpers

Useful variables

  • You can see nodraw brushes and other entities in-game by enabling r_showbox variable.
  • You can see actorclip brushes in-game by enabling r_drawspecialbrushes variable - removed in current trunk.
  • When testing maps, it is often not desired to have aliens and civilians - turn ending takes a long time and sometimes they even shoot at you. Setting ingame variable sv_ai to 0 will prevent AI actors from appearing (note that you have to set this variable before loading a map).
  • If for some reason you want to walk around a lot and maybe test func_breakable by shooting, you can load the map with AI actors (by setting sv_ai to 1) and enable variable g_notu (set g_notu 1). Note that this will only preserve TUs spent on walking.
  • You can change camera tilting behaviour with cl_campitch* variables:
    • cl_campitchmin - sets lower angle at which camera can be tilted. Defaults to 35. Suggested value for map testing - 0.
    • cl_camrotspeed - changes camera rotation speed. Defaults to 250.
    • cl_cammovespeed - changes camera movement speed. Defaults to 750.
  • Testing a lot of func_breakables in one go can be harder if aliens can hurt you (and you must have them if you want to be able to shoot more than once). Setting g_nodamage to 1 will prevent any damage to be dealt. Unset it when attempting to break func_breakables, set again before ending your turn.
  • r_wire will render map in wireframe.
  • r_speeds will show some values, including brushcount. Note that this brushcount will differ a lot from you would see in Radiant - it takes into account brush splitting done by map compiling process (overlapping brushes, lighting related splits etc).

Pathfinding grid

Wilminator has implemented an overlay of the pathfinding grid. It draws rectangles over tiles, depicting pathfinding related information using colours and shape of those rectangles.

To enable this overlay, enter debug_map 1 in the game console. Here's a screenshot of the result: Pathfinding overlay.jpg

Colour explanation:

  • green - this tile can be reached and entered by the actor based on remaining TUs;
  • yellow - this tile can be entered by an actor, but the current actor does not have enough TUs to reach it this turn;
  • red - this location cannot be reached;
  • black - this location would have the actor fall more than one level and is not reachable;

The height of the box is the marker for the highest the adjacent cell floor can be in order to enter the adjacent cell.

Pathfinding information in Radiant

Based on pathfinding grid for Game Client, a rendering overlay for pathfinding was introduced into Radiant. It basically shows the same data as the Game Client by loading the data from bsp file. The overlay can be enabled by using the Tools>Show Pathfinding menu entry. Level filtering can be applied to these.

For each grid following details are rendered:

  • a box showing accessibility state and
  • arrows for adjacent grids connectivity (starting from current grid).

Colour explanation (both box and direction arrows):

  • green - default standing/walking mode possible
  • yellow - height restricts to crouching mode
  • red - not accessible/connected (If grid is not accessible, arrows won't be drawn)
